Child Protection Policy
Child Protection Principles
The Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) is fully committed to protecting children.
Whenever there is contact between the Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) and children the society recognises that a child’s welfare is paramount in all circumstances.
In fulfilling our obligations in respect to Child Protection, the Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) adopts the Federation of Astronomical Societies Guidelines on Child Protection.
The Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) will make this policy statement and the Federation of Astronomical Societies Child Protection Guidelines available to all members.
Within Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) the responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Federation of Astronomical Societies Child Protection Guidelines lays with Philip Matchett
The secondary, or back up person responsible for Child Protection in Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society (NIAAS) is Geraldine Gribben
Contact Details
Philip Matchett is available on Tel. No. ***** ****** (Removed from web version of this Policy but is available to members on request in print form).
In the event of the unavailability of the primary responsible person for Child Protection in Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomical Society (NIAAS), please contact Geraldine Gribben on Tel. No. ***** ****** (Removed from web version of this Policy but is available to members on request in print form).
The contact details for the Local Authority Children’s Services is 0300 1234 333. This number can be used to report a concern or discuss a concern with the Local Authority.
The contact details of the local Police is 101. This number can also be used to report a concern or discuss a concern.
This Policy and the FAS Guidelines are available to members in full by contacting the NIAAS Secretary
Date Adopted/Reviewed